The Mighty offers a portable vaporizer of unrivaled consistency of vapor. A broad heat exchange guarantees sufficient heat and optimal vaporization of convection. When the oven heats up, some conduction heat will be given later in the session, for complete extraction and tasty drawing. How does the Mighty vaporizer work? The Mighty vaporizer introduced simultaneously with the Crafty vaporizer in 2015. It is Storz & Bickel’s first portable vaporizer and guarantees top-notch vapor. It is made from the finest material and top technologies in Germany. Definitely not one of those “made in China” with very little to no fine detail. The Mighty Vaporizer was designed for medicinal purposes and was the first to make it official and known as the “Mighty Medic” So, if you are a patient (especially in Canada) you can get a refund. Of course, depending on the policies of the retailer and the insurance plans. What’s In the Box? MIGHTY : 1x Mighty Vaporizer 1x Power adapter 3x Spare screens 1x Liquid pad 1x Filling aid 1x Grinder 1x Set spare seal rings (different sizes) 1x Dosing capsule 1x Cleaning brush 1x Manual …
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